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This is a topic that we hear about and most times don’t fully understand what it means. What does a Kingdom lifestyle look like? how can you, as a human being, accomplish this type of lifestyle being surrounded by such evil, destruction, and deceit? Is this even possible? Well… let’s figure this out together. Before getting started on the explanation of what this lifestyle entail’s take some time to think and answer the following questions.

  1. What type of life do you believe you were called to live?

  2. Learning about the kingdom, what is the best way you can represent Jesus on earth?

  3. Do you ever feel afraid to step out of your comfort zone? Why?

Now that you’ve sat down, examined your heart a little bit let’s jump right in.

Matthew 10:8

"You must continually bring healing to lepers and to those who are sick and make it your habit to break off the demonic presence from people, and raise the dead back to life. Freely you have received the power of the kingdom, so freely release it to others."

This bible verse is so essential for the lives of Jesus lovers, it demonstrates the way we are supposed to live on a daily basis. You saw that? ON A DAILY BASIS. Sounds a little impossible right? Well it isn’t and let me tell you why.

Speaking to those who would choose to follow Him, Jesus gave these instructions. They were to go and not just speak about God's Kingdom but release its power and authority to heal the sick, remove demonic oppression from people, and raise the dead back to life.

These acts are demonstrations of God's Love and intention with His creation. We have been commanded to partner with God to release the freedom God so generously gave to us. If you are free those around you should be too!

Freedom, power, and authority are all freely released to you when you choose to have a relationship with Jesus. If you would only live by this command you would see so many amazing things happen in people’s lives around you.


So with all that being said, we want to give you a personal challenge that’ll help stimulate your growth. This week we challenge  you to step out of your comfort zone. Take a moment and pray, ask Holy Spirit to highlight someone in your life. Once you have that person ask Him to show you what to do next. Ask Him these questions “what do you want me to do or say that’ll present the Kingdom of Heaven to this person?”


Once you’ve successfully finished this devotional go to our Instagram page and comment with your response. What is something you want to start doing in your day to day that will show others that you are representing Jesus?