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Prayer is the greatest gift we have access to, it's the ability to have communication with God. It means that He listens as we pour out our heart and He speaks as we incline our ear. It is an access given to us because of what Jesus did on the cross. So let’s begin by taking time to answer the following questions:

1. How do you feel when you pray? refreshed? at peace?

2. Do you fell like God actually listens to your prayers? Why or why not?

3. Is prayer a religious standard or a conversation with the Lover of your soul?

The reason why we asked for you to take time and answer those questions is because we wanted you to evaluate your heart and where your belief stands. Alright now lets jump into the explanation!

Mark 1:35

“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. “

Notice that Jesus’s lifestyle despite the circumstances, the pressure and the needs never seemed burdened him or cause Him to burn out. 

The secret was His prayer life, His communication with the Father. There is something so refreshing and powerful when you can go to the God who is bigger than your problems and know that when you are in His Presence, understand that it is all that matters, that He is in control. 

Prayer unlocks us from the bondage that fear tries to tie us too. It communicates to the Father “we need you” and He is quick to respond.

Prayer encompasses the very reason He died for us, so that there would be no more separation between us and a Holy God.    

There are so many benefits that come with establishing a healthy prayer life, you can grow stronger, become more mature, develop intimacy, and create dependency on Him. Prayer is the key to a healthy life.


Choose a time and find a solitary place and pray for at least 10 minutes each day for the next 7 days. In order to be like Jesus we have to pray like Jesus. God longs for conversations with His children, don't keep Him waiting.


Once you’ve successfully finished this devotional go to our Instagram page and comment with your response to this question: How do you usually feel after prayer?